November 22, 2022


CENTRE : ASB WC, Youngsfield

REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 3-9 or ABET L1-4. Special requirements (Skills needed):
Ability to communicate effectively (verbal) in English. Basic knowledge of
health and safety. Knowledge of basic maintenance of machinery with low level
of complexity in operating it. Knowledge of basic hand tools and cleaning
equipment. Ability to operate cleaning machines Ability to perform routine
tasks. Ability to work in team and individually. Basic numeracy and literacy
skills. Perform cleaning duties. Working relations with others. Endurance,
consequent, punctual, loyalty, integrity and practical. Knowledge of gardening
and maintenance of equipment.

DUTIES : Cultivate garden areas. Prepare soil for the planting of plants. Maintain flower
and other beds by fertilizing, irrigating, weeding and pruning. Mow lawns and
cut edges. Load and unload various articles and equipment needed on the
grounds. Irrigate lawns. Remove refuge from the terrain. Load refuge on the
truck for transformation to refuge dumps or burn refuge. Maintain neatness of
unit areas. Properly maintained equipment save and secure. Apply OHS
measures where required.

ENQUIRIES : Capt A.M. Kabai / WO2 T. Mandela Tel No: 021 787 1569 / 1525

APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Army Support Base Western Cape, Private Bag X1,
Kenwyn, 7790, or hand delivered to Army Support Base Western Cape,
Youngsfield Military Base, Kenwyn.

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